Aristotle Questions and Answers - FAQs

 Aristotle Questions and Answers -  FAQs 


Q1. Aristotle said that "man is a political animal." What does that mean? Be specific: base your conclusions on the works of Aristotle.


Aristotle, judging by his writings, was extremely interested in contemplating the nature of man, that most intractable of subjects. Man’s role in society and the motivations that drive him to act in certain ways under certain conditions clearly held a great fascination for him.  Indeed, his two-great works, Politics, believed to have been written about 350 B.C., and Nicomachean Ethics, written about 340 B.C., include protracted and well-reasoned discussions regarding this very question. It was in the earlier of those two works, Politics , in which Aristotle penned one of his most well-known and oft-cited quotes, that “man is by nature a political animal.” In beginning his protracted rumination of politics and the nature of man, and placing Aristotle squarely in the context in which he lived – in effect, a learned citizen of ancient Greece

Q2. How were animals grouped together in Aristotle's system of classification?


Aristotle divided animals into "those without blood" and "those with blood," a dichotomy that roughly corresponds to the modern classifications of vertebrates and invertebrates. Mean he divided the animals into two major groups which are those without blood animals also called vertebrates now a days " and "those with blood also called invertebrates now a days.


Q3. Where was Aristotle born?


Aristotle was born in the ancient city of Stagira, Greece. Stagira was located along the country’s northern coast and also served as a seaport. The town was founded by people from Andros, and, at one time, Xerxes I of Persia occupied the town. The city was later under the administration of Athens.




Q4. According to Aristotle, what kind of thing is most real and why?


Aristotle calls the things he considers to be the most real "substances". Substances are the things that the universe is made out of. Today, western science teaches that subatomic particles make up everything; this is the role that substances played in Aristotle's thinking.

Aristotle called the substance as the real thing Because of the fact that the substances make the entire universe.


Q5. How does one find truth according to Aristotle?


Aristotle ties truth to wisdom and knowledge and examines it as a part of metaphysics. The treatise Metaphysics lays his arguments forth. Aristotle's epistemology contends that finding knowledge depends on finding causes, of which he enumerates four kinds: the formal cause; the final cause; the material cause; the efficient cause. So using these four kinds of knowledge one can find truth according to Aristotle.



Q6. What, according to Aristotle, is a primary substance?


In very basic terms, "primary substance" refers to individual things, whether they're individual human beings, dogs, cats, trees, rocks, or anything else. Primary substances are specific things which are not predicable or attributable to anything else.


For example, I have a cat named kattie, so kattie is a primary substance while other cats are not general substances.



Q7. Is Aristotle's definition of drama still relevant? Why?


When Aristotle divided “poetry” into epic, lyric, and dramatic, he was concerning himself with the kinds of narration that separated them. 

When he defined drama as “imitation of an action by action” he was referring to its theatrical expression, and of course had no comment on “recorded” imitation (film, etc.)

So his definition of drama is still relevant but is limited to the imitation or mimicry, as he has not defined the recorded imitation or films (which are currently on the top).


Q8. How was Aristotle important in western civilization?


Aristotle served as the foundation for many aspects of philosophy, science, and theology for a period of over 1500 years.


His first major position of some importance was his role as tutor to Alexander the Great, shaping the mind of one of the most important rulers of antiquity.

When Aristotle completed tutoring Alexander, he opened his own school in Athens known as the Lyceum which acted as backbone of knowledge for the western civilization.

He also contributed much work in the field of philosophy, psychology, physics and politics which was later used by the western civilization.





Q9. What are some of the thoughts of Aristotle?


Aristotle was one of the great philosophers of antiquity, due in no little part to the broad scope of his writing. His major are thoughts are about:

Physics, metaphysics, politics, rhetoric, ethics, poetics, biology, astronomy, and logic, among other things.


Q10. Discuss few Ethics of Aristotle.


Aristotle, like most thinkers of his period, divides thinking about morality into three categories.

·       Moral actions with respect to the city-state (polis) as a whole, or politics

·       Moral actions with respect to the household (oikos) or economics

·       Morality as pertaining to the individual character (ethos) or ethics proper


Q11. What is the method of teaching of Aristotle 


Aristotle's philosophical methods were empirical, based on analysis and observation, and critical.

The empirical aspect of his method employs observation and data collection, as well as categorization and classification. After making detailed observations and after all samples of data were collected, the student would proceed to make correlations that would provide categorization and classification of facts. This would provide the basis of knowledge. The student would then proceed to generalize a principle or establish a theory. Notice that these are the backbone steps of the scientific method.

Q12. What is Aristotle best known for?


Aristotle is a towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, who made important contributions and is especially famous for logic, criticism, rhetoric, physics, biology, psychology, mathematics, metaphysics, ethics, and politics.

He was a student of Plato for twenty years but is famous for rejecting Plato's theory of forms. Paid Directory Quraniah

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